Chihuly Lounge- Summer Weekend Afternoon Tea

Take a feast on all the names. Passion fruit mango éclair, casis violet écclair, mango éclair, caramel écair, mac-clair, cherry écair, cookies and cream écair, gula melaka écair, chocolate écair, green tea écair, mixed berries écair, hazelnt éclair, apple écair.

Archive for May 2012

Dress#2- Pink mayo


For the love of coffee. This is what the friendly owners will tell you, when you haven't ordered some from the menu.

Some of the chalklines left around the shop, One Cup Each Day. Every Dae is a Daelicious SunDae.

So it is the concept, the brew and the witchery, for name 7 KICKstart BREWiches. 7 KICKSTART, 7 KICKSTART, 7 KICKSTART, inked in chalk upon every step as you climb the stairs. It seems to reiterate that that is the way to start a day.

Cajun Chicken (SGD 7.70)

On the blackboard, Seasonal Fruit-mix Mayo is found in its burgers. Something else that bewitches besides its brews, {the sandwiches}. And it seems to come for ANY burger. The knife too.

Pizzette- Spinach, Shrooms, Tomatoes and Cheese (SGD 8.70)

If your child does not take mayonnaise, add some beetroot to it. At 7 KICKstart BREWiches, there seems to be only pink mayonnaise in the house.

Pizza on a baguette, its a pizzette. Mayonnaise so loud a-screaming like neon paints (fake), it is only because of beetroot. And you will love it.

P.S. It affixes the feeling of home; the pizza on a baguette, the way the burgers are toasted, some fennel seeds scattered over the breads. The arbitrariness, that casualness. With beetroot and fruits in it, the mayonnaise is sweet like jam, more like spread caressing the bread. Notice the price tags in 7. The number from the start, 7.

Dress#1 Purple mustard


Purple aprons, purple badges, purple straws. They knew what they wanted and the returns to expect from the start.

Until you do not leave, the grass is greener on the other side; it can be everyday when you find a different colour concept not belonging overseas, or imported here from over the seas. Purple Mustard at the bustling business district of Singapore is founded by two locals, who are fans of purple and Chicago.

Everything feels tightly wound together when the finishing touches come complimentary to each other. Purple for Purple, yellow for Mustard.

Pork It! (Combo) (SGD 10.50)

Get ready your Pokepedia/glands in your neck. This shop clips Nuernberger Bratwurst, Veal sausage, Cervelat sausage, Chorizo sausage, chipolata and merguez in their dogs. This is a pork and bacon and sage sausage drizzled with BBQ sauce on a honey oatmeal bun. Making it more tantalizing are cheddar squares and onion cubes scattered over the dog. There is also pulled pork lining the pork sausage which is fine and thread-like, like char siew shreds.

Barnyard Dog (SGD 9.00)

Pedigree which gets Purple Mustard beaming from yellow to purple, because it has Purple Mustard in the hot dog. The purple mustard is more watery than the usual strong, pungent condiment, and has a fruity end to it after tending the spills. The mustard is purple because of the owner's enterprise to add Jim Bean-infused blueberries to the sauce to mix a new mustard.

Frauces (Purple Mustard) (SGD 1.50)

Do not get it wrong. The mustard is purple, because of additional blueberries to the yellow sauce. The coleslaw {you find} (on certain dogs) is purple, because of purple (a variety) cabbage thrown in the slaw. Purple Mustard is advocating new plant species and also the adventurousness of food entrepreneurs through its violets.

P.S. One couldn't decide which was better. The pork sausage bursts from biting like a good Bratwurst. The Barnyard's beef (& Guinness) sausage did not have that springiness, it was flaccid yet well tenderized meat, and very, very sweet with the browned onions.

New scoops @ Swensen's- salad greens


The Swensen's at ION Orchard has been a place of memories.

The Swensen's 23 ice cream flavours until the number 23 has been immortalized into some kind of commandment. Peanut buttercup, autonomously singled out to be eaten in the original, or to be savoured as one of the accomplice of the accomplishment of others, if possibly found, within the sundae. There seems to be much more here, until one is befuddled the 23 had been disparate memory or not.

A long tradition from San Franscisco, Swensen's has continuously revamped its menu once every few months. What's new, at Swensen's? Pirate's Kid's Meal in a cut-out boat, baked spaghetti (not pasta), new ciabatta, a The Rock, and new salad to assume the old and outworn. Targeting healthier choices and whatever eating practice that is new.

Chicken Salad with Lime Sherbet (SGD 11.70)

Dig in into the bowl of less baggage. Subtle as the peridot green in the foliage of garden of greens, it is a transcending a tough, regal message - it is hard to contain such queerness in the fronds. Cold as plant dishes salads can be, but never were they frozen, enjoyed in the thawing. The scoop of ice cream sherbet is the ultimate salad dressing for aberrant splaying of mocktail-like sauces, that one cannot uneat, keeping the poultry tender and fresh, the leaves crisp and crystal-like.

P.S. As the green sauce continues to shed the entire vessel, the ice cream sherbet intercalates with the chicken, until it becomes chicken(?)-chip ice cream. Holding the salad by an ice cream scoop (of dressing, usually egg, potatoes and mayonnaise), which ironically became an ice cream scoop itself.

Seafood with Charcoal covenant- Covelli OC


The tunneling of the same space, but in a different time. It feels like walking down memory lane, the walls like movie poster, something surreal.

It used to be Eatalian Gourmet Garage, a restaurent cum grocery space where you can buy the pasta, dried to stock up when you go home. Now it has transformed to another Italian eatery, Covelli bistro & wine bar. Still, there are chefs kneading and hammering away behind the glass window, contributing to an active human touch to the eating experience.

It has the three mainstays of Italian food, pasta, pizza and risotto. It also has the (sweet) products of the baker's hands displayed at the glass counter of the reception area, the dessert cakes. The simplicity of the foods remind you how simple a meal can be, and how simple a day; how much you need it to be, and it can be.

Covelli as a wine bar has its name affixed, and bottles and cocktails for you to choose from a separate menu.

While waiting for your food, there was the complimentary bread which was foccacia, and the olive oil and balsamic vinegar dip. It comes in only one slice, to let you savour on it, in the enjoyment of food.

The pasta which are the easiest to cook, and appreciated, it is now exposed like film under to chef's hands to see if it was well treated with dexterity. It was al dente, sweet and gripping to the bite (and fork too).

Barramundi e Astice (SGD 28.00)

There was something not so unassuming about Covelli, a hidden gem unravelling the papers of its menu, from the mains meat to seafood (pesce). Covering as we know of, herbs encrusted or cereal encrusted, this is a charcoal lobster. A lobster mascot wearing the coat like other seafood fried, but a really brilliant coat. Brilliant idea by the Italian chefs, the charcoal {mobster} the same family as a charcoal tart, charcoal bread, charcoal ice cream.

P.S. The charcoal lobster sits on top of a pan-roasted Barramundi. The charcoal makes the lobster skin crisp and not oily, to a crunchy translucent flesh. The fresh seafood flavours drew depth from the light pink sauce, which had to be sweet. Yes it was. So the Gerwurztraminer cream must be the new condensed milk.

Chill out- A Häagen-Dazs' Macaroon High Tea Affair


May seems like a month for the ladies. Knowing that they have a tooth for the sweet, a love for indulgences, and a flickering and sparrow-sized stomach.

Hence Häagen-Dagz introuduced the High Tea Affair, in tiers and twisted wire, where it actually features its ice-cream. Mini ice-cream balls, petit fours, and ice-cream macaroons. High tea can be primarily ice-cream.

Macaroon Mélange (SGD 18.00)

Strawberry with Chantilly cream, vanilla with Chantilly cream, green tea with almond cream, cookies and cream with almond cream, chocolate with almond cream. Crackle the white-/flavour-infused chocolate to Haagen Dagz ice cream inside. Shelled, to look like a macaroon. Fortunately rich and finely-pressed ice cream to do the backing, and exotic sweet Chantilly cream to link the bridge to a macaroon, which is the edible paste which maketh a macaroon. The vanilla has white-inverted-with cream that is pink, stwawberry flavoured Chantilly cream.

P.S. Pink, dusty yellow, green, polka dotted white, brown. Can Your macaroon get any more colourful than this? Because even if they do, they aren't the cool, the fullest a spectrum the frozen Haagen Dagz ice cream can get. In the Haagen Dagz Macaroon Melts, ice cream macaroons, the other 3 flavours not illustrated are orange (orange), macadamia nut (dusty yellow), and coffee (brown).

Colours of the Venice of the East- Crystal Jade Jiang Nan


So it is real. Finally a plot of land situated strategically at the stomach of the cockerel cut-out mass of map of China, Jiang Nan, also taking Crystal Jade by storm. Crystal Jade Jiang Nan is new at VivoCity.

To stop having illusions about how Jiang Nan will be composed, look out for the dim sum in the menu. If it is not cantonese dim sum; then you have made your way to the correct province of China, you have not gone to Crystal Jade Kitchen! Until the menu's tailoring one also realised that dim sum eating has compartments, it is semi-leavened xiao long bao, sheng jian bao and flour-dropped jiao zi here. Less flowery with frills from cantonese dim sum. Flour seems to sum up the Jiang Nan.

Follow down the Yangtze River in black, red and silver. The details are nice to be inspected as part of the collection of Crystal Jade having regional cuisines.

Steamed Beancurd with Egg Yolk, French Bean, Carrot & Black Fungus Served in Cup (SGD 8.00)

One of the appetisers, or salad. The vegetables are cool and refreshing, and the cold tofu is almost like a savoury pudding or sweet which serves as an appetite stimulator. Eaten on its own for the layers, the yellow is fragrant, and one also detects peanuts and pickled vegetables at the top.

Crystal Jade Multi-coloured Xiao Long Bao (SGD 14.50)

In the opening of Crystal Jade Jiang Nan at VivoCity, a basket of dumplings also include the xiao long bao. This signals a new quarter for Singapore, where exclusivity will not be reserved for Paradise Dynasty, Venice of the East will be new landing for Paradise on earth.

As proposed by the restaurant, white is the Original Xiao Long Bao, orange is the Shrimp Xiao Long Bao, meat prawn filled, red is the Spicy Beef Xiao Long Bao, tender for the interior, yellow is the Cheese Xiao Long Bao, black is the Black Truffle Xiao Long Bao, vermillion is the Spicy Chicken Xiao Long Bao, similar to spicy hot pot, green is the Vegetable & Dried Beancurd Xiao Long Bao,
brown is the Foie Gras Xiao Long Bao.

P.S. And Paradise for this Dynasty, the bejeweled globe in the center, a yellow custard bun. Made of glutinous rice flour and not flour skin, a trademark of desserts of Jiang Nan. Sense of a bun in a chewy sturdy skin, the stuffing a steamed, solidified paste of milk custard, like a non-flowy creamy custard bun of cantonese dim sum. Ending off the indigo-violet in the rainbow.

Nabisco sandwiches - nothing b(i)ts


Like with digestives, oreo, the 3 big confectionery giants decided to descend to greatness, and trading all they had their top-selling creme for an otherguess center. We still recognise it as clearly Ritz.

Ichigo Cracker (SGD 2.65)

Nabisco hallucinating if we started out as pink, not cheese or lemon, where we would be at today? The ichigo mini venting out some of these thoughts, unrestrained. Poppish pink to encrust the luxury of a fantastical assumption.

Cheese and its salted pretzel. Both going towards the savoury side of the spectrum. Now ichigo crackers, is it a paradise of strawberries and cheese, savoury sweet like -berry cheesecakes? Not really. The salt-grained biscuit remains, while the cream is sweet with a hint of strawberry in it.

P.S. Ritz and strawberry clashing, though one is still ruminating about the cheese, it is not strawberry cheese cream, yet this sweetest version of the Nabisco Ritz bits had washed off the tough, straight and red packaging of the Ritz cracker- it only looks special like this (in pink) because it Is Ritz.

To Butter, with Love- Japanese Madeleines from Flor Patisserie


(Tri)-spotted as its lace ready to unfurl in a single tugging, it is a bushel of good harvest.

Perfect parcel in a myraid of textures, reenforced foils for the outer layer, feathery craft paper for the underskirt layers, the tidiness, the painstakingness, of putting it all together reminds once again a neat land of propriety and grace, open pockets of leisure to meddle around with materials and proposals, behind the bright counters Flor Patisserie.

Madeleine Gift Set (SGD 18.90)

Its ROSE, its GREEN TEA, its MANGO! The beautiful in beholding the madeleine. And a Bienen, a crumbly tart fesstoned with almonds and walnuts in hardened butterscotch lacquer. The rose madeleine with flowers churned in the batter, has a petal gaping out when embedded close to the surface.

P.S. Though it is not the complete glory of a garden blooming, missing the undertones choco, original and blueberry, yet they are the Select flavours hand-picked for this season, rose, to show one's love.

Marrygold- Give me one strawberry pudding


In loudhailers over the island everywhere, imagine the noises as pink. Because there are no more variety in the next one (pudding) you are handed with, they are all pink. After the activity has hushed down, it is the strawberry which brought back glimpses of the melody, "Give me one, give me one more."

They are all pink. The (only) new flavour, in line with chocolate, mango, caramel custard and coffee on the shelves.

Marigold Strawberry Pudding

The comforting, household dessert cup of two-layered jelly, Marigold has two kinds of products, the Marigold Jelly and Marigold Pudding. One which is clear fruit-based preserves and the other a richer, wholly boiled and calcium-indulged treat. The strawberry is the privileged one to be in the Pudding, but a fruit, antithetically fruit-based, milking the best of both Jelly and Pudding.

"Strawberry puree and no artificial colouring", it has that slight, mellow fragrance of the berry fruit, no groggily imparted ichigo flavour. The top (bottom) layer is a strawberry-flavoured custard pudding, the bottom (top) is liquefied jelly of strawberry seeds.

P.S. The feisty Give me one more Marigold Pudding also has to have one spokesperson in pink. New, 2012.