20 April, 2011
Pass the Basement one of ION orchard, where all becomes less packed and chaotic, are gilded pillars and marbled floors. It is like diving out of the water's surface with an oxgen mask- a total change in atmosphere, solemn, statuesque high-end salons which marks ION orchard's distinctive international luxury fashion.

And of course amidst all this dour splendour lies a curious little place. Full of scrambling staff and adorable diners, who are willing to crowd together at close proximity seeing each other's orders within nose range. Something quite bizarre in the middle of the shopping mall, where a procession is on the way almost every time you walk about it, behind the translucent screens.
At TWG, it is not some archaic place where it sells nothing but a cup of obsolete tea, absurd with a terrible long list of tea and their descriptions. In line with the 21st century, there is also the contemporary set-luch or tea-time set menu for value-dining. You can choose any number of croissant, macaron, scone, muffin, madeleine, financier to accompany your TWG tea, making any combo meal you want. With TWG tea jelly, and whipped cream, of course, to go with them.
Napoleon Tea & Caramel (Black)
1837 Black Tea & Blackcurrant (Fuchsia) (SGD 2.00 ea)
At TWG macarons are here to stay. There are around 8 different kinds of macaron, pink for rose tea, brown with brown cream for earl grey, white for moroccan mint tea, royal purple for grand wedding tea, yellow for lemon bush tea, dark brown for camelot tea, and of course this black for napoleon tea and fuchsia for black tea.
P.S. Why is there black at TWG? Because TWG intend to design its macarons reflecting its series of tea. (And not after some fruit, nut or famous flavour. Though inside the creams may be infused with a complimenting subject that goes well with its 'tea'. ) Thank goodness, for black tea.