May 20, 2010
To all nature-lovers out there, this the only green that does not look bizarre! (I am not derogating green here, it is a wonderful colour).

Ang Ku Kueh (SGD 1.00)
This precious ingot was uncovered at Chili Padi Takeaway. A solitary animal, it stands as one; under the wings of the 'Ang' name, within the expanse of nonya culture to emerge singularly beside the Ang Ku Kueh green. Nonya; giving light to the pandan, kuihs and cakes without pandan juice would look bizarre. Another story to tell is the bunga telang juice.

Ang ku kueh also called the green ku kueh with a green bean filling. A classic; the ang ku kueh pastry, a common sight during (any)new year and takeaway plastics any day.
P.S. I took it because it is a kueh. Nothing special. Kuehs just happened to be green.