4 May, 2011

Meito Puku Puku Tai S"berry (SGD 1.30)
Nevertheless, there will still be pink fish around. This time, including the skin of the fish! This is a pink taiyaki briefly introduced on the shelves.
The face of the fish is peachy pink! Showing true strawberry flavour. This taiyaki is harder than usual, you being able to rap on its surface. It looks sadder than its mate on the plastic, though.
The outline of the fish is seen clearly, and its skin is smooth and fine. It is made from air light wafer instead of the usual pancake cake, and has aerated chocolate instead of a custard or bean paste-filling inside. Such is the outcome of a fair-maiden pink taiyaki, if not we might as well be having them a golden brown-grilled in the stalls.
The chocolate does look fancy, hardly like one or something you'd think of to stuff in a taiyaki. Yet anything happens, in a pink taiyaki.

The wafer is very light and it snaps into the mushy creamy chocolate, which makes up for this very perforated skin. The chocolate, strawberry or anything like it is is very delicious in taste! Rich in strawberry flavour, it bursts into frothy circles when you are chewing with the wafer.
P.S. As long as it is pink, it is already legendary, departing from the rest of the taiyaki being tossed and grilled in the pans. In such colours, one can also expect them to be different from the usual configuration of a taiyaki. Like a wafer or monaka or ice cream, instead of waffle or pancake.