Spirulina Biscuit

December, 2010

Chorella, we've sort of heard of them before. Something to do with green- plant-like or vegetable-being. In check with mandarin and it translates for green algae. Spirulina. Now what's that? In chinese it stands for the blue-green algae.

Nostoc commune biscuit (SGD 2.00)

Blue-green algae? So what will it be like, closest to us in biscuit-morphs. Turquoise-coloured foods{?} Well no, luckily (heart attack.) Foods in spirulina are a healthy green.

The biscuit is thin, satisfying and crunchy. It is mildly sweet from the sugar granules and tastes of butter and milk. You try to convince yourself that you have just wolfed down some
blue-green algae, too.

Tearing the sides apart, it reveals the same luminous-green interior. (You break and break it apart again, and it shows more and more green interiors). The feeling is like breaking and breaking bread again, and breaking and breaking the same bread again, until it can feed everyone. The green is never-ending.

P.S. Seeing the cross-sections a uniform green, ever so thin/tiny, one feels as though it is made up of green, through and through as though it is born to be green. Finally, letting down of resistance that foods can really be in green.