There used to be only caramel. Or vanilla. Then Scotts Square came up with one in pistachio. Now its post-modernism at Chihuly Lounge.
Its called summer. Its called weekend. Its called afternoon tea. That basically sums up the specifications of its buffet here, from June to August 2012. Besides a savoury section (the finger food), there is a ice-cream section, eclair section and (hot) tea buffet.
The items that always look ripe for picking in any patisserie: the eclairs. Interestingly, the eclairs up for grabs at Chihuly Lounge were spotted differently from the ones last month. Which means up to 24 flavours.(?)
Weekend Afternoon Tea buffet (SGD 48.00)
Left: Caramel, cherry, cassis violet, passion fruit & mango, cookies & cream, apple, green tea, gula melaka.
For one('s top 3), it would be 1. 1st- caramel. 2. 8th- gula melaka. 3. 7th- green tea. Another, it would be 1. 2nd- cherry. 2. 3rd- cassis violet. 3. 4th- passion fruit & mango. One's reasons would be because the caramel has this thick, biscotti-like glaze of caramel over the caramel. It bursts into an intense proliferation of caramel besides the top cracking heartily into caramel. The gula melaka despite a white chocolate glaze was subtle, light. Flavourful, succinct. The green tea had edible gold foil. The cream inside was dream green tea. Some marginal notes are the cherry on the 'cherry' is heavily rum-infused. The cherry on the apple is candy-coated. The interior of the cassis violet felt strikingly similar to the depths of St. Dalfour's wild blueberry spread.

The mango. Mellow and sweeter than the cream of the passion fruit & mango, which had lemon-like daubs. Mixed berries, somewhat recreating custard on sponge fingers. It is observed to be arranged in strawberries and raspberries, alternating, upon intent look. Chocolate, 2nd in heir [perhaps,] with silver foil. It is the only eclair that is dark-coloured furbished, for its choux pastry. Chocolate(dark) flavoured, for eclair.
P.S. It is undoubtedly rainbow- if it be a large reservoir of tones available in its repertoire. For eclair. For some reason, one flavour was not tried. Hazelnut.