Aug 24, 2010

See unyielding; unlike mochi ice cream or lots and lots of cheese refusing to depart from a pizza. The green tea ice cream wasn't bitter at all. It would be the gelato you get from ordering Haato & Co's ice cream.
I have always liked central©. China, Zhongguo; or the Middle East. Ciphering oneself as the center of the earth. Central too, for its outlandish advertisements and flamboyant window display. We could recall the underwater ballet.
Just this august, I received its complimentary booklet. Like a national day-tear me out brochure; sept, oct, nov was always a goodie bag month! The most prominent was Haato & Co inside.
Ingredients from Singapore, craft from Japan; marketed under Italy, gelato. 01-74- far-fetched sounding! From the map it is a triangle disjoint from the main cluster.
When we found out another time that it was actually that inconspicuous bar we had coursed through 4 times! The one selling ice cream and style-cakes. When ahem; stone's throw away Haatlets were sold.
Haatlets (SGD 5.00 for 3)
Shh. Yes. Not in central, not on the brochure. Beside the ice cream displayed in a box were these heartlets, in a multitude of flavours to pick like berries.
This one's black sesame. Powdery like mochi skin, but grainy and more resistant. Inside the black sesame ice cream is crystallised, fragrant and grazable on other sides. Giving the tongue lots to traverse.
The green heart's green tea. Pebble-shaped, it makes a mould difficult. And the skin to be consistent. It looked like the glass heart I own for holding paper.
See unyielding; unlike mochi ice cream or lots and lots of cheese refusing to depart from a pizza. The green tea ice cream wasn't bitter at all. It would be the gelato you get from ordering Haato & Co's ice cream.
P.S. The peach pillow is rock melon. The 'dessert' i would try to eschew when in school. But not now, when in a heart!