It has been a long time, and once again, like alarm bells sounding. Thrusting one's glance over the shoulder, peeping if anyone else ordered this what did other customers order. Being insecure. Been self-conscious. Being rusty, at black.
Squid Ink Linguine (SGD 14.90)
From all the amok sauces (non-red or white) [pasta in broth/cannelloni/hazelnut creme] this is just of of them in the uncategorized. Just one word- maybe that's how one started starting all this. It can helm as Pasta Hut. How can one let this squid ink get over me? Its just- Pizza Hut, fast-food.
Thanks to Pizza Hut, one is dawned on the black (squid ink) pasta as white(-based sauce) pasta! It is thick, creamy with a savoury finish, definitely not the tangy, tomato-red sauce category. The rendition here by Pizza Hut has a smooth, boiled like seafood chowder-kind of consistency kindly blanketing over your wheat linguine, it is a supreme experience.
P.S. Salty, one would say, closest to the squeamish perception one would expect of a squid, or from squid's ink. Umami. However, one is to advise the squid rings as partly raw, parboiled. It would probably give off a bit of the rubbery uneasiness that many would flee from from the body or ink of the swimming mollusk. But definitely not from the black (squid ink) sauce. You can still enjoy the pasta. It is not guilty. It is to be pardoned, {or even given a chance to}, for being black.