June 11, 2010
Come up with a high-flying concept and you are all set to start a business! (I don't know what's Mcdonalds', though); here at BBQ Chicken it purports using extra-virgin olive oil in all its dishes! Pastas tossed in olive oil, chicken broilers batter-dipped and fried in olive oil, and speciality olive rice! (I am keen on an all-olive oil order)!

BBQ Chicken (City Square Mall)
With kid's corner and family meals, it is no wonder more colour is injected here. Real helium balloons scattering the rainbow, with equally versicoloured ribbons.
P.S. Barbeque chicken; and it clashes with the noun, barbeque chicken. American-version(barbecue) and it'd be BBC Chicken, clashing with the powerhouse BBC or finger-lickin' good KFC.