Orange Chocolate


Where bars used to be brown, this one's orange. Writhe not, just think of Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place award medals for the all-time food flavouring, impinging anything from dessert, sweets to beverages. Chocolate and vanilla mere beans, whilst strawberry? It is a fruit. Hence it is a one-step late for mango flavour, similar 'vanilla essence' of fruity origins, if not we'd not be making mountains out of molehills out of orange-coloured chocolate, as with cosmopolitan ice-cream Neapolitan white, brown and pink, and pink candies everywhere.

Meiji Rich Mango Chocolate (SGD 3.50)

The assassinator Mango Pudding, something dear as kids whilst in an awkward-sounding oriental restaurant, reading the hot and cold dessert names. Rich Matcha, like Dark Chocolate; so Rich Mango's like mango pudding! Condensed, it goes all over the mango that chocolate is forgotten, with the sunset yellow not doing any justice either, so one gathers this is probably mango with white chocolate, mango with custard chocolate; or more closely, mango pudding!

P.S. Like strawberry, however, this mango flavour has been carefully developed by Meiji {to become highly differentiated so that mangoes no longer taste like they used to}, but still accurately imparted to be recognised as mango!