Honey (rockets) - to infinity and beyond


What we know of the Honey Stars (probably your most favorite cereal), is now injecting inventiveness with a mutant shape. So will the shape now replace Honey (Stars); eradicating it, or will it be interspersed with the stars?

Nestle Honey Stars

Not the dysfunctional, sickle-shaped, but the two rotund prongs delineating the model of a rocket. Rocket; the protagonist, blasting the astronauts around, stars; the background, the backdrop you see in outer space.

P.S. Rocket, somehow it is just two forks of (the) star, a 2/3 (Honey Star); that's all. With a pierce in the middle. From the same mould, somehow cut short, the development process. Difference in looks, different in taste! The new Honey Stars with rockets has improved recipe and taste, it is no longer saccharine-sweet as the yesteryears; mildly, maltly barley-like with a crunch like grains.