Black Udon


This restaurant is known not only because it is at Sunset Way, but also because it has another one in the east. Popular as one of the most extensive japanese menu in heartlands of the island, be it one end or the other.

Another thing which Megumi Japanese Restaurant is famous about is this one dish, which is unique sold here. The sumi udon, udon made of charcoal.

Sumi stands for fine grain charcoal, like the intricate technology of finely milled green tea in chasoba. The enviroment is warm lit, and the prices are decent. There is also a toilet with happy ratings and a separate sink area.

Hiyahsi Sumi Udon (SGD 10.80)

The noodles is not fried or served with broth or soup, but comes as a separate page on the menu; the udon/soba cold dipping noodles. Bento with its dipping onions, and a quail egg.

Have your egg and vegetables in sashimi, together with the noodles, chilled.

As smooth as it looks, the udon does not linger with any charcoal taste, it just gets chewy and more fragrant and bursting with wheat flavour. Sliding the yolk and seaweed in, the senses are tickled, and it is savoury. Cold noodles always go about the least desirable region of food texture: the cold, slippery and squishy, however in paradoxical vision it turns out to be very appetising.

P.S. Until today, the charcoal has no taste. Quite dejected to accept that charcoal is tasteless, no matter how much we want to try it.