Merrim(e)nt mint - Sundae @ Swensen's


Naive days without sin and guilt, climbing over Coit Tower and likes, devouring an entire summit in one seating, when one is hardly grown-up and pint-sized- wondering how can the whole tower go into one's stomach. Swensens' left the mark as the place for sundaes (towers); ice-cream dessert since time immemorial.

This year, it is suiting that it comes in a jingle of the 12 Sundaes of Christmas, a spread of 12 specially concocted sundaes for the season.
The epitome of the Swensen's- sundae, in a print-clash with the epitome of winter gingerbread man.

Merri-Mint Macaroon (SGD 10.90)

Two crisp macaroons sandwiching gummy marshmallows inside. It is Pink Mint Frost and Thin Mint ice cream cushioning the sundae. The thin mint ice cream is smooth and icy, accomplished as a Swensen's flavour. Towards the end of the light and tantalising dessert, it gets white and ambiguous down the bowl, slaps of sticky stretchy marshmallow pools. It is inventive, multi-faceted on the tongue whilst good to eat.

Still don't believe me, what's Pink Mint Frost(?). Pink for overthrowing the notion of mint/mint in the image of our hearts. And the taste any deviating from a green mint(?). It is a registered new flavour for Swensen's, up for us to order whether colour plays a role in the perceptional flavour of mint.

Tin Roof Sleigh Ride, Merri-Mint Macaroon, Tinsel Castle, Frosty Knickerbocker, Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Twinkle, more to find out about the 12 Sundaes of Christmas and what goes in its content of ingredients.

P.S. Merri-Mint Macaroon. 8. 8 maids a milking, the beatitude upon us.