Pink Pan(ther)- female@ Donq


Only the French would be that tantalizing. Full-bodied masterpieces, like flower heads, lavish ingredients. At a glance, heavily textured waxing and waning. The dark, the light (dusted), the savoury, the sweet breads. One of its signature include the mentaiko french, and the dutch bread. 

Pink Panda (chocolate chips) (SGD 3.00)

Ganache heaven, it is the Japanese. Little lake of colour, or pool. Ice-cream station Donq has stamped the Mr Panda, sighted and reproduced a sakura version, Ms Panda strawberry. Chocolate, and strawberry. Scoop which comes in more than 1 flavour residing in the well. Breads which draw the people to, because the lighting and heating are flamed and torched like a creamery. The goody bag of fruits and vegetables, herbs and elegant meats, flour and technique and content. 

The bun is brioche based, yeasty, not that fine, higher butter or milk taste. It is golden, crusty at the bottom equally dark exposing real chocolate drops. Panda bow achingly tied pink, however it is under a different umbrella, rich, tender. So is the (panda) eye. A sparkly eye, crumbed, sugared.

P.S. The pink panda is one of the lovely mistakes on earth. Mutation. Premium camouflage. Sweet, turning pandas females. No. The strawberry panda was not strawberry (the cream, chocolate), but table sugar candied.