Nanchuck and all that chops- Meiji's Chip! Chop cereal


You're right. There's "delicious salt" there. On the box. {That's how pomelo, smoked duck, mint, rocket comes about? Or oyster sauce, pineapple, wakame perplexes}?

Meiji Chipchop Matcha (SGD 6.00)

Chocolate matcha, fragrant black pepper, salt. Read the list and it informs bran, cocoa powder, matcha powder, black ground sesame, salt. Like your favourite salt and pepper- a little bit more and it'd be better power brunch. Glico, baffles with the Shall We?; what happen to you now, Meiji? Meiji explains Chippendale, it is crispy, it is thin.   

Triangular cereal puffs, coated with that wee bit of salt/pepper(?) making it savoury and a dusty surface, like grits stuffed with chocolate. It is bittersweet yet popping like poppy seeds and spicy with extra chocolate flavour in the thin chocolate cream, the salt metes it out a palatable finish from cereal to cereal to last the feed. 

P.S. The product name Meiji Chip Chop, visioned snack of cereal with chocolate to be dunked in milk, rearing its ugly head as forcibly as green fingers slipping out (brusquely) from a chocolate-brown biscuit, it is the seasonal matcha green tea sesame cream. The normal are chocolate, bitter chocolate with cocoa cream.