Moping it over- Strawberry Mantou from Crystal Jade My Bread


Baking can also be accredited to the Chinese, Mexican, Hawaiian, as claimed by Crystal Jade resulting in a motley of crosses and hybrids which one might not have seen before.

Strawberry Mantou (SGD 1.30 for 4)

Is it a miracle or what? Mantou (chinese steamed buns) white, pink, white, pink like on a trial run, depicted in its to-be-frozen packages. The swirl or knotted mantou completely taking it over, until it is just doused in pink. The utopia of a strawberry mantou, where it is no longer just swirl, strawberry-laced in your dimsum, tea, peanut butter or crab gravy; there is an additional light-tasing ichigo flavour to wherever the mantou goes.

P.S. They were already like that back then. [One should have known (it) better]. Even before there was sakura.