Black Roll


How to go screaming for japan, when you have touched down home- buy yourself a Bourbon roll. At the last Hokkaido Fair, Ichibin Coffee launched cowhide print 'swiss' rolls, regularly sized(large) and cylindrical; blobs of brown and white for its Hokkaido (cow)'s milk.

Bourbon Fuwamaki Cake Roll (SGD 2.20)

But no, its chocolate, not black. And it is frumpy, black and white mimicry, cliched. How about this cake roll? It is different. The black(on white) now characterized in spheres, legendary bicolour or moo cat, hence chocolate-brown or not it is of less importance, when we acquaint to cows black and white!

And to be more complex, this is a snack cake! More snug than the dignitary- celebratory imported at Hokkaido Fair, or sampled/carried back from Hokkaido.

When we are already stooping to such extents, the cake's bitter cocoa at the brownblack spots, vanilla on the white area. Fresh cream is made at the center of the roll, and if one notices there is a whole gelatinous strip of maple/honey to make it double cream!

Fillings inside the cream. Which reminds me of the hesitant char siew pau, when it is white pau wrapped in a steamed kueh cake, with the char siew inside! Or tofucken, if you are nearing christmas.

The most intriguing swiss/cake roll ever, when it comes in the shape of a sandwich(ed) bread! Fuwa meaning fluffly, maki meaning roll.

This is something that one might consider buying again. Because the overall sensation of the cake is artificial, but backfired with agreeable. Like.

P.S. For roan coat colour, buy its coffee roll.