Tapioca Cake


Green when you don't want you-tiao to go with your soy(s). Here at the foodcourt. Banana fritters(fruit inside), green bean ball- lined with sesame, or tapioca: plant cake.

Tapioca Cake (SGD 1.00)

Eat on the 'roots': tapioca is starch derived from a plant's root; not plant root, like sweet potato; its elegant version the japanese sweet potato, or corm and tuber, like taro; our friendly(mashed/baked/fried)potato(tuber) aside. Finally, the air cleared on tapioca/fritters/fries/sweet potato/taro/chips! Which explains why tapioca can be green; potato/sweet potato/japanese sweet potato/taro/yam remaining a natural white, orange, or purple.

P.S. And why tapioca is delectably more gummy and tasty.