Green Mooncake


In an evening bundled with the weather, fatigue; consequence from eating one's fill, schedule and unsettled meals- yet we were magnetised to the Icing Room. New mooncake not in colour, but shape.

Icing Room's the only specialty cake shop with fixed cake menu. Not rotatory or spontaneously. Decorations and designs from a mould. Yet for mid autumn this year, rabbits let loose from the celestial body are different in colour! 6 colours- pink, orange, green, yellow, white and purple.

Mini Snow Skin mooncake (SGD 16.50 per box) (4 pcs)

Clockwise from top: Mixed Fruits & Nuts (Yellow). White Lotus Melon Seed (White). Macha Red Bean (Green). Red Bean Melon Seed (Purple).

Like ham, I was taken aback with the familiar pine nuts, a good entrée for double-yolk! So that was the fruit & nuts' nut. A tough cookie the yellow rabbit on the inside. White lotus and red bean, they were more docile with smooth and not too tooth-cutting sweetness, crispy with a dash of melon seed.

The star of the day, {rabbit shape}green! Only the BreadTalk family insists on this derivative- Matcha. Pocked marked with red beans, it was shower on the beans with rest of the seeds hidden inside the mooncake. The beans did not continue into the rabbit's anatomy, it was matcha- tap-water tasting with a knoll of porcelain stones. The most remarkable matcha I had tasted not delicate and slowly sprouting to the end like rest of the green teas!

P.S. Clumpy and not settling when you bite it, the skins were like well-done mochi. How many years had I not had mochi or snowskin mooncake? It was toothpick ears and toothpicked eyes, that made this mooncake moudless- and to why it is snowskin green. Or macha.