Green Muffin

25 June, 2010

Muffins are one treacherous food. Frosting and toppings, they mislead you into colour.
One day, like slot machine icons white Raisin, yellow Peach, brown Chocolate, gray Blueberry, green Green Tea- now that is what I call Bread Talk.

Green Tea Muffin (SGD 1.50)
Biting into the coloured carbohydrate there was a burst of tea. Not green tea; it can't be. Jasmine. Yes the scent of an unknown midnight-blue pastry I had picked up whilst gamboling in the kitchen decades ago in a mooncake festival. I did not know I would find it in a green muffin today.

Like most industry cakes, this muffin was chewy on the inside; thinned to a dry flour at the edges intercepting with paper. Reverse-psychology, I actually craved for that more and more- salty refined sandpaper granules. And look at that, our acquianted sun-kissed grain Bravo Packaging now encompassing green carbohydrates.

P.S. I finally found out that it had been a traditional mooncake with cassia bloom That autumn festival. I will never forget it until today.